Limitless Games 2017 – Team Wars

Event Date: Nov 2017

Limitless Games 2017 – Team Wars event occurred on November 4, 2017 and brought together the CrossFit community from near and far. A big thank you to the athletes – who’s blood, sweat and tears inspired everyone present; the spectators – who’s cheers, claps and screams created the perfect competition atmosphere and last but not least, our many volunteers and judges – who’s time and assistance allowed the event to be executed at a very high standard.

Congratulations to all teams who competed!

The final standings were as follows:
Rx Women’s Team – 1st: IslandFit Barbelles / 2nd: A Bread And Two / 3rd: Triple Threat
Rx Men’s Team – 1st: Trini2dbone / 2nd: Ethnic Pelau / 3rd: Misfits
Scaled Women’s Team – 1st: Bar-belles / 2nd: Trying Ah Ting / 3rd: Flaming Hot Cheetos
Scaled Men’s Team – 1st: 100% Dark Chocolate / 2nd: Team511

CrossFit 12-12-12 Throwdown Results

Event Date: Aug 13

Congratulations to our athletes and coaches who took part in the Annual CrossFit 12-12-12 Throwdown in Trinidad on Saturday, 12th August 2017. A big thank you also goes out to the large LPCF support crew who kept the energy high for the team!
Below are the final results of the LPCF participants:
Men RX (43 athletes):
3rd – Levar Greaves; 5th – Russell Grant; 6th – Mark Jordan; 13th – Jason Cox; 17th – Gerston Blenman; 25th – Kamal Patel

Women RX (9 athletes)
2nd – Kim Sealy; 3rd – Janine Cooper; 7th – Natalie Noumeh

Men’s Masters RX (3 athletes)
3rd – Nigel McClean

Photos are available in the CrossFit 12-12-12 Throwdown (2017) Album.

Limitless Games In-House Throwdown

Event Date: November 2016

On November 27th, 2016, LPCF hosted their first In-House Throwdown between the members.  The divisions included Women’s RX and Scaled and Men’s RX and Scaled. 32 LPCF warriors competed and challenged themselves in three mandatory WODs before the top ten advanced into the semi-finals. Following the semi-finals, the top five warriors advanced into the final event to determine who would reign supreme! The facility was consumed by a combination of nerves, high energy and community spirit amongst both the competitors and spectators. The day was a huge success for everyone! A big thank you to our sponsors and volunteers who helped to make this event possible!

You can view images from this event in our photo album Limitless Games 2016.

The final results were as follows:

Women’s Scaled:
1st – Natalie Noumeh
2nd – Shonelle Hollingsworth
3rd – Akia Drakes

Men’s Scaled:
1st – Shawn Denny
2nd – Roger Boyce
3rd – Craig Atwell

Women’s RX:
1st – Mia Ward
2nd – Michelle Foster
3rd – Wendy Bullard

Men’s RX:
1st – Gerston Blenman
2nd – Damian Alleyne
3rd – Rowelle Blenman

Limitless Body Returns in 2017

Event Date:

Limitless Body is an 8-week intense training program designed to promote fat burning, maintain lean muscle mass, and sculpt your muscles to help you achieve a fit and sexy body! Tested and proven! The program will run from January 16th – March 10th, 2017, every Monday to Friday. Morning (6:30am – 8:00am) and night (7:30pm – 9:00pm) editions available. 24 Spots available per edition.
Rates: Members $500.00  /  Non-members $700.00
For further information please view the Limitless Body flyer and/or contact the facility.





Join Our 6-Week Running Camp

Event Date: October 2016

Starting October 15th, 2016 and running until November 26th, 2016 – we will be hosting a 6-week running camp which includes three weekly training sessions to prepare you for Run Barbados 2016. Training will be conducted every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 4:30am – 5:30am at the facility, and every Saturday at 4:30am meeting opposite the Bay Street Esplanade. ALL FITNESS LEVELS ARE WELCOME! Non-members are more than welcome to join in for a small fee of $250.00.

CrossFit Kids & Teens Classes Are Here!

Event Date: September 2016

This September, Limitless Performance CrossFit Kids will offer classes for both Kids and Teens. Our Kids Class caters to children ages 5 – 11 years, while our Teens Class caters to children ages 12 – 18 years. Certified CrossFit Kids Coach and Certified ACSM Personal Trainer, Janine Cooper, will be leading these classes throughout the week. These classes will provide the Limitless Methodology and promise to be safe, fun and effective for our young LPCF athletes.

Kids Schedule:
Monday 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Wednesday 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Saturday 8:30am – 9:30am

Teens Schedule:
Tuesday 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Thursday 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Saturday 9:30am – 10:30am

CrossFit 12-12-12 Throwdown

Event Date: August 2016

On Saturday, 6th August 2016, CrossFit 12-12-12 of Trinidad hosted their very first CrossFit Throwdown. Head coach Levar Greaves, along with LPCF coaches Russell Grant, Kim Sealy and Janine Cooper and LPCF member Kamal Patel were all present to compete in this event.  Also present were CrossFit athletes from Aruba, Guyana, Jamaica, Miami, St. Lucia and St. Maarten to name a few.

The day was long and grueling – the pain, physical exhaustion and mental fatigue were real! The event consisted of three mandatory WODs, followed by two additional WODs once the athlete made the required standing. Our LPCF competitors visited that “dark place” one too many times. Nevertheless, they pushed past their limits and came out on top! Congratulations to each one of them!

The final results for our competitors were as follows:
Men Rx Division
Russell Grant  – 2nd Place
Levar Greaves – 5th Place
Kamal Patel –  26th Place

Ladies Rx Division
Kim Sealy – 2nd Place
Janine Cooper – 4th Place

Barbados IslandFit Games

Event Date: May 2016

On Saturday, 7th May 2016, we had eleven athletes compete at the Barbados IslandFit Games (B.I.G.). The team consisted of our two coaches, Russell Grant and Kim Sealy along with nine of our members, Michelle Foster, Simone Kirton, Amanda Morris, Mia Ward, Damian Alleyne, Gerston Blenman, Rowelle Bellman, Mark Jordan and Kamal Patel. It was a long, hot and extremely challenging day. Despite the harsh conditions and the tough competition from CrossFit 12-12-12 (Trinidad) and other affiliates within the region, our athletes displayed great determination, exceptional sportsmanship and outstanding performances. Our green machines dominated not only on the competitive field, but also on the spectator line. Our members came out to bleed green and support our athletes – after all, we are one…we are family… and it’s just what we do!

We had 3 athletes from each division (male & female), finish in the top 5.

Kim Sealy – 3rd place
Michelle Foster – 4th place
Mia Ward – 5th place

Russell Grant – 3rd place
Damian Alleyne – 4th place
Mark Jordan – 5th place

Our facility was also announced the top affiliate for most competitors at B.I.G.!

Congratulations once again to our athletes who did an incredible job and a big thanks to our members who came out to cheer them on!

Holiday Food Drive

Event Date: December 2015

This Christmas, we decided to collect non-perishable food donations for families in need. Our members donated generously and as a result, we were able to make a difference to three families. On the morning of December 22nd, our LP Team delivered the goods to each family. So much joy, sadness and mixed emotions were experienced that day. We realized that these families and the less fortunate in general need to be remembered throughout the year and not just at Christmas time. With that being said, we made the decision to partner with the Hunger Knows No Season Campaign whereby we would seek to collect one non-perishable food item on the first of every month.

Thank you to all of our members who donated and made this food drive possible! Together, we definitely made a difference!

Run Barbados 2015 (5k & 10k)

Event Date: Saturday, 5th December 2015

RunBarbados2015 (10)Some of our members closed out the year by participating in the annual Run Barbados 5K and 10K event. We had athletes of all fitness levels enter. We had the Holder sisters and Kayla complete their first 5K race, Marie – who improved her time by just over 10 minutes, Richard and Gerston (Gerky) who sprinted across the line amongst the top and Margaret, Shonelle, Amanda, Sarah and Ricky to name a few, who made PR’s on their run.

Congrats to all of our LP participants!

Click here to see photos of this event.