Iron Murph & Potluck

Event Date: Sunday, 29th November 2015

IronMurph2015 (13)What better way to celebrate 49 years of Independence by taking part in a grueling workout, better known to us as “IRON MURPH” at 7:30am on a Sunday morning. That’s what approximately 35 of our members opted to do in the national colours. The workout was as follows:

  • 1 MILE RUN
  • 100 PULL-UPS
  • 200 PUSH-UPS
  • 300 SQUATS
  • 1 MILE RUN
  • 300 SQUATS
  • 200 PUSH-UPS
  • 100 PULL-UPS
  • 1 MILE RUN

Two plus hours later, each and every single athlete finished proving that nothing is impossible once you believe and well, train hard and consistently of course!

With energy reserves on ‘E’ after IRON MURPH, a potluck was in place for all to feast and celebrate their achievements!

Click here to see photos of this event.

Movember WOD

Event Date: Saturday, 21st November 2015, Saturday, 21st November 2015

We supported the ladies last month, and now it was time to support the men in raising awareness for Prostate Cancer. This time we asked our members to participate wearing blue for our Movember WOD. And with little surprise, our members showed up to support the cause. Once again, thank you to our members for their attendance and generous donations to the Barbados Cancer Society!

Breast Cancer Awareness WOD

Event Date: Saturday, 24th October 2015, Saturday, 24th October 2015

Breast Cancer WOD Limitless CrossFit BarbadosOur facility decided to host a WOD to help raise awareness for Breast Cancer. We encouraged our members to wear pink that morning – some kept it simple with a pink outfit, others took it to the extreme with tutus, fairy wings, tiaras and togas (particularly the men). Not only were the numbers for attendance high, but also the total donation raised for the Barbados Cancer Society.

We can’t thank our members enough for assisting us in making a difference!

Click here to see photos of this event.

Variety Club Fitness Challenge 2015

Event Date: Sunday, 28th June 2015

Photo 30-06-2015, 2 40 34 PMAnother fitness event was upon us – this time with a bit of teamwork and fun on the beach. We entered two teams in the Variety Club Fitness Challenge, which consisted of both coaches and athletes. The event was a bit different to what our training is like – but nevertheless, our teams were prepared for the unknown. Sun, sand, sweat and laughter for such a great cause made taking part in this event worth doing!

Click here to see photos of this event.

Team Series Event

Event Date: June – August 2015

During the months of June, July and August, our coaches and some of our more experienced athletes took part in the Team Series Event. This event was against the three existing CrossFit boxes on the island – Limitless Performance CrossFit, CrossFit 246 and CrossFit IslandFit. The last Saturday of each month brought these three facilities together to compete against each other. Each facility hosted the event at their home ground. Unfortunately LP was unable to partake in the first round due to other commitments, however total points wasn’t everything for us. Giving our athletes the chance to show their talents and embracing the community spirit we jumped in at round 2. Our teams represented us extremely well and our coaches definitely set the example for the possibilities CrossFit and the facility itself has to offer.

Congratulations to the LP teams and all other athletes that participated and a huge thank you to our members who came out to bleed green!

Barbados Islandfit Games (Big) 2015

Event Date: Saturday, 16th May – Sunday, 17th May 2015

limitless-barbados-big-2015 (1)Over the weekend, two of our LP female athletes, Kim Sealy and Reann Gibson took part in the fitness competition, BIG, which was hosted at Hilton Barbados. Supporting our athletes was a must and so the green shirts arrived in numbers to cheer on these two ladies. They both fought hard to the bitter end and made the LP family extremely proud. Kim finished in 2nd place with 48 points (3 points behind the first place finisher) and Reann finished in 8th place with 42 points.

The fun didn’t end there for the LP family that attended – celebrations were in order and with that, they all went on to have dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Congratulations Kim and Reann!

Click here to see photos of this event.

Heroes’ Day “Fren & Dem” WOD Free Partner WOD

Event Date: Tuesday, 28th April 2015, Tuesday, 28th April 2015

Fren-And-Dem-WOD (5)As our way of giving back to the community, we decided to host a free partner WOD on Heroes’ Day. Persons taking part were asked to bring a friend that they admired – they would also be partners for the WOD. The facility was packed with both participants and spectators. The “FREN & DEM” event proved to be successful. Prizes from Suga Apple Swim, Elements Spa and Gatorade (Armstrong Agencies Inc.) were given to the top three partners in our two categories – RX’d and Scaled.

Click here to see photos of this event.

Official Opening

Event Date: Wednesday, 8th April 2015, Wednesday, 8th April 2015

The doors to Limitless Performance officially opened on April 8th, 2015 at 4:30am. The first set of die-hard athletes trickled in to register and to tackle the WOD Endurance Class. The WOD class immediately followed at 5:30am.

Free Easter Monday Workout

Event Date: Monday 6th April 2015, Monday 6th April 2015

Easter-Monday-WOD-2015 (6)As a way to introduce our new facility to the public, we hosted a free Easter Monday Workout that catered to all fitness levels. The response and the energy were both unbelievable! We received great support from our family, friends, clients and many in the fitness community. Kim Sealy and John Cumberbatch received prizes for being the event’s top athletes that day.

A big thank you to all those who came out to support us!

Click here to see photos of this event.